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  • 英语单词
  • 2023-07-20

八下英语单词及造句?8、beard n.(人的)胡须;络腮胡子 The man has the long beard.9、moustache n. 上嘴唇的胡子 The man with the moustache is a Japenese.10、simple adj.简单的 Such a toy is simple to make.11、那么,八下英语单词及造句?一起来了解一下吧。


I have some exciting news to tell you.

For our spring field trip,we're going on a three-day visit to Mounti Tai.

But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.

It's too far to cycle but we can choose proper vehicles.

Let's find out some information about the cost.

Bring your information tomorrow and we'll decide on the best way to travel on our field trip.

He is from Canada and he started to help poor children.


I have learned more than 2000hundred English words this term.


1.A study found that eating high-fat dairy foods reduces the risk of ovulation failure. Women could raise their chances of getting pregnant by tucking into ice cream, scientists said.


2.Eating ice cream, eating ice cream.


3.Lily is eating an ice cream.


4.I see a boy eating ice cream,


5.He was about seven years old, had curly black hair and big brown eyes and was eating anice cream sandwich.



1、plump adj. 微胖的

The old women is plump.

2、well built adj. 体型匀称的

The women is well built .

3、slim adj. 苗条的;纤细的

The girl is slim.

4、average adj. 平或让漏均的滑毁

The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.

5、curly adj. 卷曲的

The Africans have the curly hair.

6、straight adj. 直的

The Asians have the straight hair.

7、bald adj. 秃顶的;秃头的

Look!A bald man.

8、beard n.(人的)胡须;络腮胡子

The man has the long beard.

9、moustache n. 上嘴唇的胡子

The man with the moustache is a Japenese.

10、simple adj.简单衫烂的

Such a toy is simple to make.

11、material n. 材料

Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island.

12、glutinous adj. 粘的;胶质的

This food is glutinous.

13、flour n. 面粉

The bread is made from flour.

14、tool n.工具

We can't work without tools.

15、dough n. (用于制作面包或糕点的)生面团

The bread is made from dough.


A group of people went camping.

The internet function on this phone has been disabled.

There is no difference between those two tests.

Imagine if you had a million dollars.

The normal weather of summer is quite hot in this region.

There are many difficulties in completing this task.

We require a high amount of training for this job.

Treat others with kindness.

以上就是八下英语单词及造句的全部内容,1、I want to for myself when I’m older.造句:I work in a company.我在一家公司里工作。All the teachers in our school work very hard.我们学校的所有老师工作都很努力。2、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

