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  • 趣味英语
  • 2023-08-06

减肥的英语九年级?“减肥”的英语翻译是:lose weight 读音:英 [luːz] [weɪt] 美 [luz] [wet]相关短语:1、lose some weight 减肥 ; 降体重 ;2、那么,减肥的英语九年级?一起来了解一下吧。



读音:英[luːz][weɪt] 美[luz][wet]


1、lose some weight减肥 ; 降体重 ;

2、lose off weight失去了重量 ; 失去起飞重量

例句:Exercise is a sure way of losing weight.




1、vt. 浪费;使沉溺于;使迷路;遗失;错过

2、vi. 失败;受损失

3、n. (Lose)人名;(英)洛斯;(德)洛泽



1、lose time山亮耽误时间;走得慢;失去时机

2、lose yourself迷失自我;豁出去

3、lose faith in不再信任;对…失去信心

4、lose touch with与…失去联系

例句:Atthispoint,Ihave nothingtolose.



How to Lose Weight

Losing weight can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and mindset, it is achievable. Here are some tips on how to lose weight effectively.

Firstly, it is important to have a balanced and healthy diet. This means incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of fats and oils.

Secondly, regular exercise is crucial for weight loss. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, on most days of the week. You can also try strength training exercises to build muscle and boost your metabolism.

Thirdly, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This can help to flush out toxins and keep you feeling full, reducing the temptation to snack on unhealthy foods.

Lastly, it is important to stay motivated and consistent in your weight loss journey. Set realistic goals and track your progress, celebrate your successes, and don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Remember that losing weight is a gradual process, and it takes time and effort to achieve your desired results.




Here's a sample essay on how to lose weight:

Losing Weight the Healthy Way

Many people struggle with weight loss, but it is important to approach the process in a healthy way. Crash diets and extreme exercise regimens may produce quick results, but they can also be dangerous to your health. To lose weight in a sustainable and healthy way, there are several steps you can take.

First, it is important to assess your current habits and make gradual changes. This may involve cutting back on sugary and fatty foods, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, and finding ways to be more active throughout the day. Small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk after dinner can add up over time.

Another important step is to establish a regular exercise routine. This can include a mix of cardiovascular exercises, such as running or cycling, and strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or yoga. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, or 150 minutes per week.

It is also important to stay hydrated and get enough sleep. Drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and reduce cravings, while getting enough sleep can help regulate hormones that affect appetite and metabolism.

Finally, it is important to be patient and stay motivated. Losing weight is a gradual process, and it is important to celebrate small successes along the way. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members, and seek the help of a healthcare professional if you need additional guidance.

In conclusion, losing weight can be a challenging process, but it is possible to do so in a healthy and sustainable way. By making gradual changes to your diet and exercise routine, staying hydrated and well-rested, and staying motivated, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well-being.





问题一:减肥 英语怎么说减肥 lose (one‘s) weight

问题二:减肥用英语怎么说??I want to lose weight.

I am on a diet.


You are搐drunk. or I am so drunk.

drunken 经常作定语:

a drunken quarrel


问题三:你该减肥了用英语怎么说You should lose your weight now.

问题四:减肥用英语怎么说?lose weight

reduce weight


问题五:“我要减肥”用英语怎么说?I want to loose my weight.

问题六:我要减肥的英文怎么说I want to lose weight


"减肥"的英文翻译为 "weight loss"。

weight loss解析如下:


英式发音:[weɪt lɒs]

美式发音:[weɪt lɔːs]


weight loss指的是通过控制饮食和进行适当的运动来减轻体重的过程。减肥是许多人追求健康和理想身材的目标,通过改变饮食习惯和增加运动量来达到减少体脂肪和塑造身材的目的。


weight loss是一个常见的健康和美容话题,人们会采取各种方法来实现减肥目标。这包括调整饮食结构、控制卡路里摄入、增加运动、建立健康的生活习惯等。


1. She has been following a strict diet and exercise routine to achieve her weight loss goals.(她一直在遵循严格的饮食和锻炼计划,以实现减肥目标。)

2. The weight loss industry offers a wide range of products and programs to help individuals lose weight.(减肥行业提供各种产品和计划,帮助个人减肥。

以上就是减肥的英语九年级的全部内容,减肥的英文:slimming。减肥的短语英语如下:lose weight减肥、on a diet节食减肥、slim down变苗条点儿、Go on a diet节食、Work out健身、reduce weight减肥。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

