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  • 英语口语
  • 2023-08-04

造价员英语怎么说?建筑八大员的英文:Construction eight Construction 读法 英 [kən'strʌkʃn] 美 [kən'strʌkʃn]n. 建设;结构;建筑物;建造;构造;解释 例句 1、那么,造价员英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。



How to become a qualified quantity surveyor

If a college student has a major of civil engineering,to be a qualified quantity surveyor after his graduation may be a good chioce to make his career.However, it will never be easy for him to be competent in this job because it's no simple work.Therefore,several qualities are needed when one is going to take this job as a future career.

First of all, a qualified quantity surveyor should be smart and sharp-minded.That'清慧散s should be the most fundamental requirement.Secondly,the ability of making the construction blueprint out is also necessary.Thirdly,one should be very clear about the relevant laws and regulations of tendering for and bidding for engineering constructions.Last but not least,calculation ability is also indispensable for a quantity survayor.A high proficiency of calculating the project quantities by applying the project ration is quite important.

As a student of civil engineering, I also wish I could become a quantity surveyor.Considering those qualities I should have,I have set my determination to make every effort to achieve this aim.Of course,I need to keep a good habit of treating everything in an earnest way,putting what I'答氏ve learned into practice.Only in that case can I become a qualified quantity surveyor in the future.

To draw a conclusion,to be a qualified quantity surveyor,one has to have a good command of his professional knowledge and an excellent capacity of combining the theory with practice.Then being a qualified quantity surveyor won't be that hard.


施工员constructor、预算员(造价员)budgeteer、安全员safety officer、质量员(质检员)quality controller、材料员material officer、机械员(有的是大举悉试验员)mechanic、答巧测量员(有的是合同员)suryeyor、滚乎资料员resource/data person


问题一:费用预算大概是多少用英语怎么说该机构的费用是多少 What is the cost of the agency 该机构的费用是多少 What is the cost of the agency


1.Cost Ma亥agement Department,成本管理部,成本管理一定是含预算管理的;

2.Quantity surveying Management Department,工料测量管理部,工作范围更宽些,但也是含预算管理的;历此穗

3.Budget management Department,预算管理部,扒纳较少有这样的部门,因为预算一般是含在成本管理内的。但财政预算就可另当别论了。

问题三:预算的英语翻译 预算用英语怎么说预算

[财政] budget;[财政] budgeting


预算 Budget;Estimate;preliminary calculation

国防预算 Military budget;军事费;Budget de la Défense

*** 预算 官鼗峒;Government budget;Budget de l'état

问题四:管理预算英语怎么说administrative budget

问题五:预算的英文budget 预算

问题六:你提供的价格远远超出了我们的预算,用英语怎么说The price that you offered was far exceed our budget

问题七:把价格调整到我们的肢卜预算,用英语怎么说?Adjust the price to our budget.


Cost Engineer(CE)


Construction Budget


A. 工程造价用英语



而需要用到的应该是专业英语,普通4 6级的英语用不上,但是你如果直接和他们交流的话,你起码口语要过关,再差再差些几个字在纸上做简单交流,要是这个都不行的话,你只能依靠翻译了......

B. 工程造价专业这个词有没有专门的英语翻译啊


engineering cost


the major of engineering cost

C. 我是工程造价专业的学生 急需以下课程名称的英文翻译

Situation and Policies ecation, puter programming based VF, cost English, engineering bill pricing, economic law and contract management, project risks and management contracts, project management, installation works over the budget, financial management, real estate valuation, municipal works, Principles of management, systems engineering, fixed principle and Budget, technical economics, construction projects over the budget, construction machinery, operations research, foundation and the foundation, construction equipment engineering, construction supervision Studies, construction design, construction economics, housing construction Xue, building regulations, management, psychology, lawyer system and practice, read financial reports of listed panies

D. 求一些工程造价专业英语词汇短语的翻译顷蔽


土木工程 Civil Engineering

平面布置图 plane layout diagram,floor plan

立面图 elevational drawing

工程进度款 progress payment

质量控制 quality control

合同期限 contract term

工程利润 Project profit

施工合同 construction contract

施工验收技术规范 technical code for work and acceptance

造价师 Moderator 国家注册造价工程师 national registered cost Engineers

工程合同总造价 total contract sum

合同文件 contract documents

材料规格 specification for materials

施工现场 construction site

承包商的资格预审 prequalification of Contract business

工程管理 working management

项目规划设计和施工 project plan


质量保证期 quality assurance date

不符合规格 failed to e up to specifications

*** 机构 government anization

E. 急求~~~英文原文关于工程造价的英文

中国建设工程造价管理协会 2007 年工作要点

2007 年中价协的工作要以 *** 理论和“ *** ”重要思想为指导,围绕建设部关于建设工作的总体要求,按照“转变观念、创新服务、扎实工作、稳步发展”的工作方针,充分发挥协会的“提供服务、反映诉求、规范行为”的作用,继续推进工程造价咨询行业自律建设,促进工程造价行业的稳健发展。


工程造价师 : Budgeting Specialist

工程造价员construction cost person

以上就是造价员英语怎么说的全部内容,A. 工程造价用英语 英语方面的知识是用来充实自己的,拓宽自己的知识面的,总的来内说还是有用的容 就工程造价这一块而言,做国内工程基本上都用不到,做国外的工程需要用到。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

