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  • 英语口语
  • 2023-07-24

财务管理专业用英语怎么说?Financial management major “ 财务管理专业 ”Financial management major 问题三:财务管理的英文怎么说 FM financial management 问题四:财务管理专业的大二学生,那么,财务管理专业用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。



Principles of Accounts, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, financial statements analysis, accounting system design, professional English, Economics, Money and Banking, international finance, international trade, economic law , tax, etc.


大学计算机基础 computer foundation

影视艺术概论 movie arts panorama

体育 sports(physical education)

高等数学 higher math

思想道德修养与法律基础foundation of ideology& law

管理学 management science

大学英语 college English

军事理论 military theory

传播学 mass communication

视听差咐语言 video &audio language

媒介经营管理 media operation &management

会计学原理 accountancy principles

经济学原理 economics principle

形式与政策 situation and policy

媒介虚茄纯经纳梁营管理法律法规 laws of media operation &management

财务管理 financial management

市场营销学 marketing

电视制片管理 TV producing management

电视节目制作 TV program production

影视摄像基础 movie video foundation

影视剧作基础 movie drama foundation

统计学原理 statistics foundation

投资学 investment

商务谈判 business negotiating

大学英语 college English

电视编导 TV drama director

影视作品分析 analysis of movie works

人力资源管理 human resource management

广播电视经营管理 broadcast &TV operation management

公共关系学 public relations

文化消费者行为学 ethology of culture consumers


国际金融 international finance

国际技术与服务贸易 international technology and the trade in services

合唱与合唱指挥 chorus and the chorus conductor

当代世界经济与政治present age world economics and political

证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment

人力资源管销段理human resources management

国际结算international settlement

国际贸易专题international trade topic

市场调查market survey

学年论文term paper

市场预测 market forecast

国际商法 international commercial law

商务英埋乱语听说 commerce English hearing & speaking

财务管理 financial control

就业指导 career guidance

国际税收 international tax revenue

国际经济学 international economics

国际营销学 international marketing

商务谈判 commerce negotiations

英文函电 English Correspondence

电子商亏液誉务 electronic commerce


university education

Introduction to Television Arts


higher mathematics

Ideological and Moral Cultivation and legal basis

Principles of Management

College English

Military Theory

mass communication

Audio-visual language

Media management

Principles of Accounting

And in the form of policy

Media management laws and regulations

financial management


Television movie-making management

Television programming

Television cameras on the basis

Television plays the basis of

general theory of statistics

Investment Principles

business negotiation

business negotiation

College English

TV director

Analysis of films and TV

Human Resources Management

Radio and television management

public relationship science

Consumer culture



University-based computer

Introduction to Television Arts


Advanced Mathematics

Ideological and Moral Cultivation and legal basis


College English

Military Theory


Audio-visual language

Media management

Accounting Principles

Principles of Economics

And in the form of policy

Media management laws and regulations

Financial Management


TV producer management

TV programs

Television cameras on the basis

Television plays the basis of

Principles of Statistics


Business Negotiation

College English

TV director

Analysis of films and TV

Human Resources Management

Radio and television management

Public Relations

Consumer culture, behavior


