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  • 英语口语
  • 2023-07-19

英语怎么说我是你祖宗?1、Grandparents 英文中的称呼(外)祖父母,不像中国分为爷爷奶奶、外公外婆,而是统称grandfather或grandmother。但是如果向别人介绍的时候要说明是爸爸或妈妈一方的可以用paternal grandfather来指代爷爷,那么,英语怎么说我是你祖宗?一起来了解一下吧。




progenitor :先驱,比如移民




亲属称谓 表姑 Second cousin 表叔 Second cousin 表兄弟 Father's sister's sons; male cousin 表兄弟 Maternal male cousin 表侄 Second cousin 表姊妹 Father's sister's daughters; female cousin 表姊妹 Maternal female cousin 伯父/大爷 Father's older brother; Elder uncle 伯母首携/大娘 Father's older brother's wife; Aunt 伯叔祖父 Father's father's brother; Great uncle 伯叔祖母 Father's father's brother's wife; Great aunt 长兄/哥哥 Older Brother 长姊/姐姐 Older Sister 大伯 Husband's older brother; brother-in-law 大姑 Husband's older sister; sister-in-law 弟妇/弟妹 Younger brother's wife; sister-in-law 儿子 Son 父亲/爸爸 Father 高祖父 Great great grandfather 高祖母 Great great grandmother 公公 Husband's father 姑夫 Father's sister's husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle 姑母 Father's sister; Paternal aunt 姑爷 Father's father's sister's husband; Paternal grandaunt's husband 继父 Step father 继母 Step mother 襟兄弟 Husband of wife's sister 舅父/舅舅 Mother's brother; Maternal uncle 舅母/妗子 Mother's brother's wife; Maternal uncle's wife 妹夫 Younger sister's husband 母亲/妈妈 Mother 内弟/小舅子 Wife's younger brother 内兄/大舅子 Wife's older brother 女儿 Daughter 女婿 Daughter's husband; Son-in-law 婆婆 Husband's mother; mother-in-law 妻子/老婆者或伏 Wife 嫂/嫂子 Older brother's wife; sister-in-law 婶母/婶子 Father's younger brother's wife; Aunt 叔父/叔叔 Father's younger brother; Uncle 叔丈母 Wife's aunt 叔丈人 Wife's uncle 孙女 Son'团山s daughter; Granddaughter 孙女婿 Son's daughter's husband; Granddaughter's husband 孙媳夫 Son's son's wife; Grandson's wife 孙子 Son's son; Grandson 堂兄弟 Father's brother's sons; Paternal male cousin 堂姊妹 Father's brother's daughters; Paternal female cousin 同胞兄妹 Sibling 外甥 Sister's son 外甥 Wife's sibling's son 外甥女 Sister's daughter 外甥女 Wife's sibling's daughter 外甥女婿 Sister's daughter's husband 外甥媳妇 Sister's son's wife 外孙 Daughter's son; grandson 外孙女 Daughter's daughter; granddaughter 外祖父/外公/老爷 Mother's father; Maternal grandfather 外祖母/外婆/姥姥 Mother's mother; Maternal grandmother 媳妇 Son's wife; Daughter-in-law 小姑 Husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 小叔 Husband's younger brother; brother-in-law 玄孙 Great great grandson 养父 Foster, adopted father 养母 Foster, adopted mother 姨夫 Mother's sister's husband; Husband of mother's sister 姨姐/大姨 Wife's elder sister; sister-in-law 姨妹/小姨 Wife's younger sister; sister-in-law 姨母/姨妈 Mother's sister 姨甥男女 Wife's sister's children 幼弟/弟弟 Younger Brother 幼妹/妹妹 Younger Sister 岳父 Wife's father, Father-in-law 岳母 Wife's mother, Mother-in-law 曾孙 Great grandson 曾祖父/老爷爷 Father's father's father; Great grandfathera 曾祖母/老奶奶 Father's father's mother; Great grandmother 丈夫/老公 Husband 侄女 Brother's daughter; niece 侄女婿 Brother's daughter's husband; niece's husband 侄孙 Grandnephew 侄孙女 Grand niece 侄媳妇 Brother's son's wife; nephew's wife 侄子 Brother's son; nephew 祖父/爷爷 Father's father; Paternal grandfather 祖姑母/姑奶奶 Father's father's sister; 祖母/奶奶 Father's mother; Paternal grandmother 姊夫/姐夫 Older sister's husband 妯娌 Brother's wife; sister-in-law



凡是表兄弟,堂兄弟都是cousin,所以他们的哗颂孩乱则郑子都叫你aunt, 你叫她盯橘们nephew 外甥女, niece 外甥




“3:13 And Moses said to God, When I come to the children of Israel and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you: and they say to me, What is his name? what am I to say to them?


3:14 And God said to him, I AM WHAT I AM: and he said, Say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.







一般英语没有细分,都很笼统。如伍册果你跟人谈话中问到具体的备份,可以描述清楚这个是你爸爸的第二个哥哥的女儿的儿子什么的轿简。。。你说second cousin也能明白。

以上就是英语怎么说我是你祖宗的全部内容,问题五:“祖宗”的英语怎么说? Ancestors 问题六:祖宗的古文怎么说 祖宗的古文:先 先:14. 先世;祖先。●《书・盘庚中》:「予念我先神后之劳尔先。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

