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  • 英语口语
  • 2023-07-22

这里是魔都用英语怎么说?今天的魔都一词可以理解为英语“MAGIC CITY”,意为魔幻之都或者魔力之城。魔都相对于“帝都”北京、“妖都”广州而言,特指上海。后来有部分人也使用魔都指代南京。故上海和南京分别为“大魔都”“小魔都”。那么,这里是魔都用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。














魔都是上世纪二三十年代上海的城市别称之一,相对于西方人对上海“The Greatest City of the Far East”、“Paris of the Orient”的称呼,魔都是当时日本人对上海的一种习惯称呼。

魔都一词最早发源于旅居上海的日本名作家村松梢风在大概一个世纪以前的畅衫圆销小说《魔都》,在这部作品中村松梢风发明了魔都一词来指代上海。今天的魔都一词可以理解为英语"MAGIC CITY“,意为魔幻都市或者魔力之城的意思。







魔都是上世纪二三十年代上海的别称之一,相对于西方人对上海“渗禅弯The Greatest City of the Far East”、“Paris of the Orient”的称呼,魔都是当时日本人对上海的一种习惯称呼。


今天的魔都一词可以理解为英语“MAGIC CITY”,意为魔幻之都或者魔力之城。


对于二十世纪初叶那些蛰居上海的日本文人墨客而言,他们虽然长时期地耽于斯、游于斯,却始终未能参透上海之所以为上海的那种幻象,只是以日本人特有的感觉,在作品中竭力描摹他们的所见所闻。 这些作品也许会使读者对那个时代的上海增添一些好奇丛闷感,而在上海史研究者那里,它们更像是稗官野史的渊薮。



Shanghai is one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of China and the most populous city proper in the world with a population of more than 24 million as of 2014. It is a globalfinancial centre and transport hub, with the world's busiest container port. Located in the Yangtze River Delta, it sits on the south edge of the estuary of the Yangtze in the middle portion of the East China coast. The municipality borders the provinces ofJiangsu and Zhejiang to the north, south and west, and is bounded to the east by the East China Sea.

As a major administrative, shipping and trading city, Shanghai grew in importance in the 19th century due to trade and recognition of its favourable port location and economic potential. The city was one of five treaty ports forced open to foreign trade following the British victory over China in the First Opium War. The subsequent 1842 Treaty of Nanking and 1844 Treaty of Whampoa allowed the establishment of the Shanghai International Settlement and theFrench Concession. The city then flourished as a centre of commerce between China and other parts of the world (predominantly Western countries), and became the primary financial hub of the Asia-Pacificregion in the 1930s. However, with the Communist Party takeover of the mainland in 1949, trade was limited to other socialist countries, and the city's global influence declined. In the 1990s, the economic reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping resulted in an intense re-development of the city, aiding the return of finance and foreign investment to the city.

Shanghai has been described as the "showpiece" of the boomingeconomy of mainland China; renowned for its Lujiazui skyline, and museums and historic buildings, such as those along The Bund, as well as the City God Temple and the Yu Garden.

Shanghai has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa) and experiences four distinct seasons. Winters are chilly and damp, with northwesterly winds from Siberia can cause nighttime temperatures to drop below freezing, although most years there are only one or two days of snowfall. Summers are hot and humid, with an average of 8.7 days exceeding 35 °C (95 °F) annually; occasional downpours or freak thunderstorms can be expected. The city is also susceptible to typhoons in summer and the beginning of autumn, none of which in recent years has caused considerable damage. The most pleasant seasons are spring, although changeable and often rainy, and autumn, which is generally sunny and dry. The city averages 4.2 °C (39.6 °F) in January and 27.9 °C (82.2 °F) in July, for an annual mean of 16.1 °C (61.0 °F). With monthly percent possible sunshine ranging from 34% in March to 54% in August, the city receives 1,895 hours of bright sunshine annually. Extremes since 1951 have ranged from −10.1 °C (14 °F) on 31 January 1977 (unofficial record of −12.1 °C (10 °F) was set on 19 January 1893) to 39.9 °C (104 °F) on 6 and 8 August 2013. A highest record of 40.9 °C (106 °F) was registered in Xujiahui, a downtown station on 21 July 2017.


